Thursday, June 12, 2008

79 Days and Counting

The weather has been beautiful up here in northwest Alberta and AD and I have been getting in some good training. We're not able to train together as much as we used to but we both know what needs to be done and we are constantly motivating each other to stay focused. I've been having difficultly staying on track with all the travelling I've been doing for work but I did manage to get in a swim and short run on Monday in High Level.

I arrived back home on Wednesday and after so much driving, I was eager to release some pent up energy. I went out for a run and felt so good I ended up running 30kms in 2:08. Not the fastest run but it's all about long-slow-distance now, I want to build up my endurance as much as possible in the next three months. The date for IM Louisville is approaching fast and it's the work I put in now that is going to determine how well I will race at the end of August.

One nice surprise I've had this year is that my swimming has improved dramatically. I've never considered myself a swimmer but I think my muscle memory has developed enough now that I can swim for an hour fairly comfortably and push myself in a race, unlike other years. I'm actually really enjoying swimming now and it's nice to be out of the water close to the lead guys in most races. I'm going to try to up my workout distance from 3kms to 4kms during the next three months just so I can feel comfortable with the IM distance. Here's hoping for a great Ironman swim, I know I'll have done all the training for it.

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